
Dec 20, 2022

Jugs (aka: Jughead) was listed in need of a home in Buckley, Washington. The background we received was he was a drill team horse, trail horse, and did endurance riding. Then he was leased to someone who was not feeding him, and was taken back by the owner. We were provided vet records, and a previous name of “Tex”. Supposedly he had papers, but they were “lost”. Owner had him back for a few months and he was said to be health and sound but she could not keep him and he was bound for auction.

Jan 4, 2023

We did an initial visit with Jugs, and were surprised to see he was very underweight still, masked by a heavy blanket. Although he was severely underweight, sadly, he was still being ridden and even shown in playday events. He feet were long, and it had been a while since he had seen a farrier.

Jan 17, 2023

We picked up Jugs and he loaded into the trailer like he’d done it 1000 times. As soon as we unloaded him, we gave him all-you-can-eat orchard hay and he got to meet his new little brother, Butter.

He was so skinny could count his ribs and see the top of his spine. We got him to see our vet right away to get him on a meal plan that would allow him safely to get to his goal weight.

The vet is guessing he is a Dun Draft Cross. His head is huge (hence the name Jughead) and only fits in a XL Draft Halter.

July 1, 2023

Jugs reached his goal weight. His mane that was brittle and falling out is growing back, his feet are healthy, his coat is shiny, and he is a happy boy. He got the all-clear from the vet to be ridden, and he is a fantastic trail horse.

September 29, 2023

Jugs is all the volunteers favorite horse. He stands for hours for grooming, is patient while we teach little ones about horses, understanding when we try different saddles and bits on him looking for the perfect fit. He is a big boy, but a huge teddy bear.

June 10, 2024

Jugs is doing great. Kaylee and Yarrow love to ride him on trails, and Kaylee has even taken him to a trail obstacle class and he is gearing up for his first show.




Pebbles & Bam Bam